The library of the branch "Minsk State Automobile Mechanics College named after Academician M.S. Vysotski" of the educational institution "Republican Institute of Vocational Education" is one of the leading structural divisions of the college, providing documents and information for the educational process. It is also a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication, culture and education of students.

The college library, as a structural division of an educational institution, is an educational-assisted and information center that forms a fund of educational, educational-methodical, industry-specific, reference literature, periodicals in accordance with the profile that provides user access to this fund. 

The total area of the library is 195.4 sq. m., a reading room for 23 seats (53.9 sq. m.), a book depository (35.3 sq. m.), a reading room in the college hostel for 12 seats.

The library is equipped with a computer with Internet access, a laser printer and a copier (HEROX). The network software package “Bibliographer" is installed as well. Needless to say that it is impossible to achieve a good quality of education without improving the book fund.

The library fund is being constantly updated. Currently, the volume of the book fund is 81,185 copies of literature (technical – 43,290 copies, educational – 61,195 copies, fiction – 10,822 copies).

The main fund of the library includes 15 electronic publications and 6 appendices to textbooks on CD-ROMs. The reference and bibliographic fund is refilled with reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries and amounts to 1,595 copies. The library regularly receives 38 designations of newspapers and magazines.

Reference, bibliographic and informational work is carried out in the library. Currently, 1,940 readersusethelibrary'sservices.

The library staff implements an educational and educative program, conducts a number of mass events on educational, moral and civil-patriotic themes such as literary conferences, library lessons, discussions, book reviews in groups.

The library has a professional and creative team consisting of 5 people.

The head of the library is Natalia Konstantinovna Karviga.

Tel: 8(017)215-20-97.




Address: 220021, Minsk, Sotsialisticheskaya str. 5
Ph.(fax) +375 17 215 24 38